Library preferences
Lets the user specify if batch files shouldn't be used and if viewers shouldn't be maximized. The default behavior of TeXlips is to use batch files (when they can be found) and to maximize viewers. Moreover, by default TeXlips excludes common compiler options for TeX, e-TeX, Omega, and pdfTeX, as well as certain less often used options for MetaPost, DVIPS, and perl. The options can be enabled via this clip. In addition, for the applications which produce log files (e.g. LaTeX) you can disable a query if the log file should be opened by NoteTab and if these clips should query the user if the application should be relaunched. Moreover, you can enable automatic saving of the active document prior to launching e.g. LaTeX. The automatic saving simply checks if changes have been made and if so saves the new version. Furthermore, it's been my experience that the (La)TeX log file is deleted by Acrobat Distiller when the PostScript file resides in the same directory as the log-file. I've therefore included an option which ensures that the Distiller is unable to delete the file (it's simply renamed to .logged prior to launching Distiller and renamed back to .log after Distiller has been closed). In addition, you can disable the main clip wizard for the sequential TeX launch clips (e.g. the Sequential LaTeX launch clip). The default values (which may be changed via the option "Set sequential TeX launch defaults" in the TeXlips maintenance clip) will be used. Moreover, you can enable the Add file type to Windows Explorer's File|New menu query in the "Associate TeX files with NoteTab" option for the "TeXlips maintenance" clip.